Undaria Pinnatifida (Marine Algae) Extract
Approved Ingredients
Undaria Pinnatifida (Marine Algae) Extract
The Marine Extract (seaweed) is sustainably sourced in New Zealand�s pristine Marlborough Sounds. When used in skincare, it forms a unique barrier on the skin to help hydrate it and seal in essential nutrients. It goes deeply into the skin�s outer layers to deliver anti-inflammatory properties.
INCI Name:
Undaria Pinnatifida Extract
Ingredient origins:
Marine Algae
Emollient, Skin Conditioning Agent
Common name:
Marine Extract
EWG score: The EWG score is a hazard score ranging from 1-2 (low hazard), 3-6 (moderate hazard) and 7-10 (high hazard) published by the Environmental Working Group. Their data is sourced from the Skin Deep® database and studies published in open scientific literature.