Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract
Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract
Calendula (Calendula officinalis) is a commonly cultivated herbacious plant, also known as the pot marigold. Taking well to most soils, these plants produce brightly coloured flower heads 3-7 cm in diameter, ranging in a variety of colours depending on the cultivar. The nutrient-rich flowers are edible and often added to salads as a garnish. Harvested flowers of the orange cultivar can also be used to make calendula flower extract, which is used in skincare as a skin conditioning agent. In many cultures calendula is considered a medicinal plant, and is used to aid the healing of wounds or skin irritations.
Botanical name: Calendula officinalis
Other names: Pot marigold, Common marigold, Scotch marigold, Ruddles, Calendula aurantiaca, Calendula eriocarpa