Juniperus Virginiana (Eastern Red Cedar) Wood Extract
Juniperus Virginiana (Eastern Red Cedar) Wood Extract
Eastern red cedar extract, also known as Virginia cedarwood extract, is an extract with a potent woody-cedar aroma derived from the wood of the eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana). We use this ingredient as a fragrance component in some of our products.
Juniperus virginiana is a species of juniper found in much of central and eastern North America. These coniferous trees grow 20 - 30 meters tall, with reddish-brown bark, and produce purple berry-like seed cones known as ‘juniper berries’. Juniperus virginiana is an important tree in Native American traditional medicine, with the berries and leaves used in infusions and ointments to treat ailments. The trees have light, durable, aromatic heartwood which acts as a natural moth deterrent and is valued for building clothes chests and closets. The wood, bark and twigs of the tree can be steam distilled to produce the essential oil, which can be used in pharmaceuticals, insect-deterrents and fragrances.
Botanical name: Juniperus virginiana
Other names: Cedar Wood Extract Virginia, Cedarwood Virginian Extract
Chemical class: Botanical Products and Botanical Derivatives
Main constituents: (Wood Essential Oil) alpha-Cedrene, beta-Cedrene, Thujopsene, Cuparene, Cedrol, Widdrol
Elif, Semen & Hiziroglu, Salim. (2005). Production, Yield and Derivatives of Volatile Oils from Eastern Redcedar (Juniperus Virginiana L.). American Journal of Environmental Sciences. 1. 10.3844/ajessp.2005.133.138.
Chelsey D. Stewart, Chelsea D. Jones, William N. Setzer. Essential oil compositions of Juniperus virginiana and Pinus virginiana, two important trees in Cherokee traditional medicine. Am J Essent Oil Nat Prod 2014;2(2):17-24.
Temperate Plants Database, Ken Fern. 2021-11-18.
TGSC Information System (2021). Juniperus virginiana wood extract. Retrieved on November 19, 2021 from